» Baby http://www.mommyzoid.ca A new mom with a penchant for DIY, home-made, and home-grown! Thu, 19 Mar 2015 14:15:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.1 5 Perks of Baby Led Weaning http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/5-perks-of-baby-led-weaning/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/5-perks-of-baby-led-weaning/#comments Tue, 17 Mar 2015 17:58:53 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4738   When I first heard the term “Baby Led-Weaning”, I scoffed and thought it was just another silly…Click To…

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5 Perks of Baby Led Weaning | www.mommyzoid.ca


When I first heard the term “Baby Led-Weaning”, I scoffed and thought it was just another silly…
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Back in my pre-baby days when I first heard the term “Baby Led-Weaning”, I scoffed and thought it was just another silly parenting trend and didn’t give it much thought. But once our son was born and we started looking at options for adding food to his diet at 6 months, BLW just made sense. I now call it “self-feeding” because that’s essentially what it is!

With BLW, you give the child food that you would eat in manageable sized pieces they can handle. So for example if we have chicken and salad, I will pull apart some chicken, in french-fry sized pieces and I will pull out some tomato chunks and cucumber for him to eat.

I’m no expert when it comes to BLW so I’ll direct you to the same resource I turned to when I needed help before we started feeding our son. Also, I’m not a doctor. What I’m sharing is purely anecdotal!

The Baby Led Weaning book explains the mechanics of self-feeding and I kept having a-ha moments while reading. The book explains how kids want to touch, lick, bite, and explore their food before they eat it. When we hand our son something to eat he flips it over and over and over and examines every aspect of his food before it even hits his lips.

Here are a few of the perks we’ve found of Baby Led Weaning!


There’s no need to buy expensive pre-prepared purees or cereals. The baby literally eats what you are already cooking for yourself. If I’m having oatmeal for breakfast, I give him a couple spoonfuls or if I’m having eggs, I make an extra egg for him.


We spend zero extra time in the kitchen preparing food for our son. There is no preparing of vegetables, steaming, pureeing, and freezing. He eats when we eat and eats the same stuff. The only additional work is putting a few pieces of food on his plate.


Dinner time is family time. Our son sits at his little high chair at the table with his food in front of him and feeds himself while we eat. Both my husband and I get to enjoy our supper and no one has to rush to finish in order to feed him. This will be increasingly important when there are more kiddies at the table.


I once read (can’t remember where) that there is no toy that can teach a child all the things BLW can. From eye hand coordination to fine motor skills, BLW helps teach all those important skills. If you’ve noticed your little one puts everything in their mouth to taste, you’ll see they already pretty much know how to eat. If you replace that toy with something they can eat, you’ve got BLW!


We’ve all had to sit at the table when were kids until we were finished, even when we didn’t want to. With BLW, there is no forcing. The child will learn to listen to their own bodies and decide when they are finished. Before 1 years old they are still getting majority of their nutrients from breast milk or formula so there’s no need to force food if they don’t want it. The goal with our son and future kiddos is to let them have a healthy relationship with eating and to teach them to listen to their bodies, which is instinct for them,l if you let it happen naturally.

5. FUN

I totally pictured feeding my future baby to be a sweaty struggle, pushing purees into their mouth, them screaming and spitting it out. BLW is actually super fun. He looks like such a little adult sitting there eating big people food. We get to experiment with flavours and textures and he loves it! Having food with flavour isn’t a big deal for little ones who drink breast milk because they have been tasting different flavours through mom’s breast milk all along.

5 Perks of Baby Led Weaning | www.mommyzoid.ca

BLW works for our family but it certainly isn’t for everyone. We have been very lucky and haven’t experienced any choking, gagging, or vomiting which I’ve read can be common for some families. If we went through that with our son, BLW might not be such a positive experience for us. It’s not for everyone!

And once again, I’m not a doctor and this is all anecdotal information. If you have any questions about your child’s diet I urge you to seek out a professional to answer your questions.

Have you heard of BLW? Tried it and loved it or it wasn’t for you? Let me know in the comments!

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these blogs.

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5 Ways to Make Dinner Time Family Time http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/make-dinner-time-family-time/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/make-dinner-time-family-time/#comments Mon, 09 Mar 2015 09:00:36 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4705 Photo Credit Before our son was born, we ate nearly every meal around the coffee table, soaking in the…

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5 Ways to Make Dinner Tim Family Time | www.mommyzoid.ca |

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Before our son was born, we ate nearly every meal around the coffee table, soaking in the news and whatever else was on TV. It was our routine that helped us unwind from our days but we knew it was bad habit to get into. We decided once our son was able to sit up, we would get him a high chair and we would start forming some better dinner time traditions.

Here are some of the ways we are practicing making dinner time family time:

1. Get them involved

Our son either sits at the bar in his phil&teds Lobster Highchair*or I wear him on my back in a carrier while I cook. I show him what I’m cutting up, I give him bits to nibble on, and I tell him what I’m doing as I do it. He’s only 9 months old so he can’t help but he is certainly paying attention to everything I am doing and soaking it all in. If they are old enough, give them little age-appropriate tasks like setting the table, unloading the dishwasher, washing the veggies, etc.

2. Meal plan together

On Sunday we write out what meals we would like to make for each night. This makes grocery shopping a lot easier, too. I’m able to run in, grab what we will actually use, and get out. This also helps when it comes to budgeting. When you run into the store last minute to grab things, you usually end up spending way more money and getting items you otherwise wouldn’t have bought. Getting the whole family involved in the planning process also means everyone has a chance for input, so no complaining (ha ha)!

3. Make the table a screen-free zone

And that includes mom and dad! I am so guilty of checking my phone at the table. Having the TV on or my phone in hand means I’m not actually engaging my family. I mean, I haven’t seen my husband all day long and now is the time where we both have each others un-divided attention where we can discuss important family matters or just joke around. I miss all that if my nose is buried in my iPhone.

4. Engage each other

This is our opportunity to get to know what is going on in each others lives. Not such a mystery when it comes to our 9 month old as I’m pretty aware of what he’s got cookin’ in his world but as he grows up, this will be the time of day where he/they will share what he/they did at school and he/they will be able to ask us questions and learn from us and us from him/them.

5. Start early

It’s never too late to build healthy habits like this but it’s also never too early. From the time Oliver could sit up, he’s been sitting his phil&teds Lobster Highchair* at the table. At six months we began Baby Led Weening and he loves the time we spend at the table talking to him and teaching him how to eat his foods. I swear he was more confident with eating because he had been sitting there for 3 months watching us eat. It was as if he already knew exactly what to do!

Suppertime in our home will always be the time of the day the kids will be able to count on having either mom or dad (hopefully both, not always possible) to chat with, confide in, and vent to. It wont always be possible because of extra curricular activities and eventually jobs but I want them to know we are here for them when they need us.

Does your family have any suppertime traditions? How has it changed the family dynamic at supper hour?

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid


PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these fantastic sites!

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Why We Blog http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/why-we-blog/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/why-we-blog/#comments Fri, 06 Mar 2015 10:00:38 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4641 I have two babies. One has 2 legs and 2 arms and the other you’re staring at. My blog…

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Why We Blog | www.mommyzoid.ca |

I have two babies. One has 2 legs and 2 arms and the other you’re staring at. My blog is my little place on the internet where our life is chronicled. My ups and downs of mommy-hood can be found right here at this web address.

But why on earth do I choose to lay it all out on the table? I’ll admit it’s a touch embarrassing when my real life friends ask me about something from my blog. I honestly forget that anyone even reads what I write.

When I was pregnant I spent my days researching. I visited literally thousands of blogs while trying to narrow down what car seat I wanted, what stroller would suit our lives best, and how the heck to start cloth diapering. I was so fortunate to have all my questions answered and then some. Through these blogs I discovered a whole other world of parenting. A world where you could ask questions and not just accept the norm when it comes to raising your kids.

Now that I’m deep in the trenches of motherhood, I figure I’ve learned a few things that I can share with moms to be. No, I certainly don’t fancy myself an expert. Not one bit! But each and every day I am learning news tricks of the trade that I want to pass on to other mothers and care givers. It wouldn’t be fair to hoard all the knowledge, now would it?

Why do I Blog? It’s my turn to give back to the blog world that was there for me when I needed it…
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It’s my turn to give back to the blog world that was there for me when I needed it most and I know that same blog world will be there in days, months, and years to come when I run into new challenges and have more questions. Once again I will turn to some wise blogging mothers who have been there before me.

I feel I owe a little something something to the moms who’ll come after me. It’s as if I’ve taken something and now it’s my turn to replace it. Those women googling parenting tips, nursery ideas, & cloth diaper how-tos? I was you and I’ve got your back! My goal is to answer some of your pressing questions, give you some new ideas, and maybe even get you re-thinking some aspects of parenthood.

I have two babies. One keeps me up all night and the other is my alarm clock. Can you guess which is which?

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

 PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these fabulous blogs!

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“Oh, you just wait…” – What Those Veteran Moms Wont Tell You http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/motherhood-advice/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/motherhood-advice/#comments Mon, 02 Mar 2015 10:00:38 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4562 When you’re a first time mom, you hear it almost daily from a self proclaimed “veteran mom” who quite…

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"Oh, you just wait" -- What Veteran Moms Wont Tell You |www.mommyzoid.ca|
When you’re a first time mom, you hear it almost daily from a self proclaimed “veteran mom” who quite frankly has “been there” and “done it all”.

“Oh, you just wait…”

Hands up if this has been said to you before. *raises both hands enthusiastically*

and how did it make you feel?

Nervous? Scared? A little taken aback?

When my baby-less friends ask me about becoming a mom, I am honest with them. The honest truth is that it’s all so much fun. Being a mom is the coolest thing on the planet. And if they are really close friends I’ll share the gory delivery-room-details.

Some times when I’m wearing my breast-milk-stained v-neck and my yoga pants, drinking my cold cup of coffee, rubbing my tired, blurry eyes, I am able to step back and see my life for what it truly is. I have to smile and laugh at what I see because I honestly have dreamed of this period of my life since I was a little girl. As a little girl I don’t remember it looking so un-glamourus, but that’s likely because Pinterest didn’t exist. But it is just as amazing as I always dreamed, maybe even more so!

“Oh, you just wait…”

Wait until what? Until your baby smiles at you and makes you fall in love all over again? Until that sweet little angel lets out their first belly laugh? Until they take their first steps toward you?

I think it goes without saying that motherhood has it’s challenges. Most rewarding things in life aren’t without their challenges. I don’t think many people delve into parenthood thinking it’s going to be easy (read: poop). and in my opinion, one can’t ever truly be “prepared” for becoming a mom. You can read all the books in the world but nothing can prepare you like rolling up your sleeves and diving right in there.

In the weeks leading up to the birth of my son I started to panic because I’d been focusing on pregnancy for so long, I thought I had no idea what to do with an actual baby. I quickly watched YouTube videos on how to bath them, how to dress them, how to feed them…but this crazy thing happened when I had the baby! He was my whole world. After a day spent tending to his every need, I just knew what he needed. Before I left the hospital, I was confident that no one in the world (besides my husband) knew him like I did or could do a better job taking care of him.

“Oh, you just wait…”

So let me finish that for you.

“Oh, you just wait! That little baby is going to make you the happiest woman on earth! The moment you lock eyes with that little one will change your world forever. Oh, you just wait and see! You think you love them already? JUST WAIT! Some how you will fall more and more in love each and every day. Oh, you just wait!”

THERE. How’s that?

Take that, self proclaimed “veteran moms”!

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these fab blogs!

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Survive Solo Parenting http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/survive-solo-parenting/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/survive-solo-parenting/#comments Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:00:33 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4616 With a partner in the military, I’m often left to parent on my own while my husband is out…

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Surviving Solo Parenting | www.mommyzoid.ca|

With a partner in the military, I’m often left to parent on my own while my husband is out to sea. Our schedule is quite unpredictable and we usually don’t know when Daddy will be back. I’ll admit there are times I just. can’t. even. The baby didn’t sleep well, we are late for play group, I haven’t showered (because WHEN), and I just feel like crumpling on the floor and crying my heart out. Solo parenting ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Solo parenting ain’t easy. Here are some tips on surviving it alone!
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If your partner goes on frequent business trips or is in the military, there are some ways you can make things just a little easier on you and your family.


Before my husband leaves, I make sure to have a day to myself. I head out and get everything done I need to like grocery shopping. Running out of essentials like toilet paper or laundry detergent while my husband is away is my biggest fear since having a baby. I usually will head to the gym to clear my head and prepare myself for what’s to come.


The sacrifice my husband makes for our family is huge. He’s out there without the two of us, bobbing around in the ocean getting sea-sick, I’m sure. He’s up all night working, sleeping in a tiny bunk bed, and eating food he probably doesn’t want to eat. I make a point of thanking him daily for what he does for us and the sacrifice he makes.


When we were childless, I was awfully selfish and felt sorry for myself when he sailed. I cried, I pouted, and I stomped my feet. But now that the baby is in our world, I have to be strong for him. Half of his world is gone out of his life for an unknown amount of time. His world is essentially turned upside down. I can’t afford to be a mess, for his sake.


I’ve got this. I can do this. I’m the strength behind the uniform. I need to stay positive for my family. I like to send my husband emails telling him all I’ve accomplished without him being there. Instead of jealous he is proud that even though I’m going it alone, I’m still keeping it together and keeping our family and the household going.


I always remind myself it could be a whole lot worse. There are plenty of families where mommy or daddy is gone for months and months at a time. That doesn’t make it easier for our family but it definitely keeps us from feeling sorry for ourselves. Each day that goes by means we are that much closer to being reunited!

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these blogs!

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Sick Day Saviour – Baby K’Tan Review http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/baby-wearing-ktan-wrap/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/baby-wearing-ktan-wrap/#comments Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:00:13 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4591 [c/o denotes a gifted item. Asterisk denotes an affiliate link. See full disclaimer here.] The stomach flu grabbed a hold of our…

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[c/o denotes a gifted item. Asterisk denotes an affiliate link. See full disclaimer here.]

The stomach flu grabbed a hold of our family this week and wasn’t about to let go easily. My poor little guy was so tired and only wanted to be held, which made it difficult for me to get myself back in working order and keep everything on track at home. So I wore Oliver in the *Baby K’tan and he snuggled right in and was so content!

Babywearing with the Baby K'Tan Review | www.mommyzoid.ca

c/o Baby K’tan

**side note: I made my husband pose for these photos because I look like death punched me in the face which is coincidentally exactly how I feel. But who doesn’t like seeing a Dad baby wear, am I right?**

What sets the *Baby K’tan apart from other wraps on the market is the way you put it on. Like their Instagram says, the K’tan is “A baby carrier that slips on like a shirt and fits like a wrap”. Because of it’s clever design, you aren’t wrapping literally metres of fabric around you which can be a bit intimidating to a new wrapper. Take a look at this video to get the idea!

The *Baby K’tan is so easy to put on and take off I was able to get him in to the wrap without him starting the waterworks and once he was sound asleep I was able to slip him out and into his crib without a peep and with a sick babe, that ain’t an easy feat! I’m a mom rock-star, thanks to the K’tan!



The @babyktan is the perfect #wrap for a first time wrapper, a care giver, or a grand parent!…
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In my opinion this is the perfect wrap for a first time wrapper or for someone who doesn’t wear the baby often like a caregiver or grand parent. My husband has never EVER worn a wrap before, just soft structured carriers. He’s watched me put on my wraps before and I think he might be a little intimidated by all the fabric which is totally understandable. You don’t get any of that with the *Baby K’tan !

Babywearing with the Baby K'Tan Review | www.mommyzoid.ca

The fabric is like a thicker t-shirt material. You still get that comfy stretch but the material is still thick enough to feel secure with the weight of the baby on it. Secure is key when it come to baby wearing!

Babywearing with the Baby K'Tan Review | www.mommyzoid.ca

Our *Baby K’tan is in “Denim” which still feels like a cotton but has a brushed denim/chambray look to it! It’s really nice and I was pleasantly pleased when I felt how cozy it was against me and baby.

Babywearing with the Baby K'Tan Review | www.mommyzoid.ca

Do you have experience with the Baby K’tan? Are you curious to try this wrap? Let me know in the comments!

Stephanie @ MommyzoidPS: I’ll be sharing this post on these fabulous blogs! 

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Exclusive Pumping Must Haves http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/exclusive-pumping-breastfeeding/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/exclusive-pumping-breastfeeding/#comments Tue, 17 Feb 2015 01:28:36 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4564 [Asterisk denotes an affiliate link. See full disclaimer here.]  Exclusively pumping means you provide milk to your baby by…

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[Asterisk denotes an affiliate link. See full disclaimer here.] 

Exclusive Pumping Must Haves | www.mommyzoid.ca

Exclusively pumping means you provide milk to your baby by way of pump or hand expression (OUCH) instead of your child eating straight from the breast, even if you supplement now and then with formula.

I’ve been exclusively pumping for 8 months and still going strong. Our first month of breast feeding was difficult, painful, and both physically and emotionally draining but I felt like we were making progress. But at my sons 1 month check up he had only gained 4 0z. Cue the water works. I was heart broken but I wanted what was best for my son so I supplemented. He slowly lost his latch (turns out he had a tongue and lip tie…more on that in a future post) and I began pumping more and more to keep providing him with the milk I was able to make and he was actually GAINING! Fast forward to 6 months when we added solid foods and we were able to drop the formula supplementing completely. Now I am able to provide 100% of the milk he drinks! AWESOME!

It has been the opposite of easy. There’s been moments where I’ve questioned my sanity and wanted to give up. But I persevered and I’m so happy that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It wasn’t easy finding information about pumping because majority of moms only pump to build a little bit of a stash, not to exclusively feed their baby bottled breast milk.  I’ve learned so much along this journey and I really want to share it with anyone going through what I went through. Without further ado, here are my must haves to make things easier on you if you decide this is the route that’s best for you and your family.

If you plan to exclusively pump, check out these must haves!! #normalizeit
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1. Double or Single Electric Pump

For the first 6 months I used a manual which was time consuming and a pain in the butt! Save your sanity and start your journey off right with a good electric pump. You can buy them used (make sure you sanitize!) and if you buy new, they have amazing resale value! I use the *Medela Pump In Style Advanced.

2. Manual Pump

There will be times you want or need to leave the house for longer period of time and your breast will either start leaking, feel like they are going to explode, or both. Having a manual pump in your diaper bag or in the car for emergencies is great. I use the *Philips Avent Manual Comfort Breast Pump and it’s very comfortable and easy to clean!

3. Nursing Tops & Bras

Just because you aren’t breast feeding, doesn’t mean these aren’t extremely handy. I don’t leave the room to pump when my family is around because why should I? But I still don’t want to have to take my t-shirt off so I opt for button down tops, cardigans, and nursing tank tops.These *Milk Nursing Tops are great for discrete pumping sessions, (not that you can really be desecrate with an electric pump). A nursing bra to go with this is imperative. Easy access will make your life a whole lot easier.

4. Snappy Snacks

Snappy Snacks is a line of lactation snacks that can help you increase your supply naturally. There are many reasons for a dive in milk supply, especially when you’re pumping.  You can read my full review on Snappy Snacks here.

5. Support From Family

This is huge. My husband would wash my pump parts and bring them to me in bed and he would feed baby while I pumped. Otherwise, you spend a half hour feeding the baby and a half hour pumping. By the time you get back to sleep, it’s time to get up and do it all over again! His support was critical to our success.

PRO TIP: I think one of the most important things is to remember you are feeding your young. Take care of your self. Drink plenty of water, eat lots of healthy foods, and get sleep while you can. Don’t start any new diets and don’t over do yourself! Please be gentle with yourself.

Where are you in your breastfeeding journey?  Do you exclusively pump? Let me know what made your journey easier.

 Stephanie @ MommyzoidPS: I’ll be sharing this post on these lovely blogs

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They’re Called Breasts http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/theyre-called-breasts/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/theyre-called-breasts/#comments Fri, 13 Feb 2015 10:00:56 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4330 I’m a huge proponent of breast feeding and extended breast feeding and I’m enraged by anyone or anything coming between…

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They're Called Breasts | www.Mommyzoid.ca

I’m a huge proponent of breast feeding and extended breast feeding and I’m enraged by anyone or anything coming between a mom feeding her child. There’s nothing more natural than a mom feeding her young. Heck, she did it for 9+ months and no one had anything to say about it. But for the love of god please stop calling your breasts, boobs, or some other weird nickname.

When I was a kid I called my vagina a “pee-pee” or my “privates”. Now little girls are taught to call it a vagina or a vulva. And respectively young boys are taught to call their testicles and penis by their proper names. But when it comes to a mom’s breasts they are still getting a slang name. Boob quite literally means a foolish or stupid person or a mistake. Why are we allowing something so positive to be called something so derogative?

Why do we shy away from using the word breasts?
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Of course I have referred to my breasts as boobs. We all do it without thinking. From the moment I found out I was bringing a little person into the world, I started examining my language and the language around me regarding body image, gender, and sexuality. I started noticing moms mouthing the word breasts and using nick names like boobs when asking their child if they wanted to nurse. It made me wonder why we are so embarrassed to call them by their real name. Why do we shy away from using the word breasts?

If we want to normalize breast feeding and get the respect we all know we deserve around nursing and pumping in public, let’s stop calling them boobs. Let’s lead by example and show the world the kind of respect we are asking for.

It starts with us moms. Our sons and daughters will call them whatever we call them so teach them the proper name for this wonderful, nurturing, amazing body part. Breasts are not “foolish” “stupid” or a “mistake”. Let’s call them what they are.

Stand up tall, push your breasts out, and say it loud and proud. BREASTS.

 Stephanie @ MommyzoidPS: I’ll be sharing this post on these blogs.

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Dear Pregnant Mom… http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/dear-pregnant-mom/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/dear-pregnant-mom/#comments Fri, 30 Jan 2015 09:00:00 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4406 Dear Pregnant Mom, I spent the last three months of pregnancy drifting between extreme happiness and extreme depression. Most…

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Dear Pregnant Mom via www.mommyzoid.caDear Pregnant Mom,

I spent the last three months of pregnancy drifting between extreme happiness and extreme depression. Most of the time I felt sorry for myself. My body was stretching beyond recognition and I still couldn’t stop eating brie and olive & rosemary loaves. Plural. I tried to read articles about how I was a goddess with a miracle taking place inside of me but I couldn’t buy it. It was no miracle, it was a lot of hard work. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into creating that little life.

So many veteran moms told me, “enjoy being pregnant,” or to “enjoy the peace and quiet,” and I totally disregarded them and thought they were a$$holes for wishing something so awful on me. I just wanted this little thing out of me by any means necessary. Mostly I wanted to hold my damn baby but I also wanted to be able to sleep on my stomach again, (hah).

If I could go back in time I would tell myself this:

Enjoy peeing every half hour because soon there just wont be enough time to stop and pee.

Enjoy your hot cup of coffee.

Enjoy grabbing only your debit card and keys to leave the house.

Enjoy lingering at the mall.

Enjoy reading.

Enjoy your crumb-less floor.

Enjoy being able to go out for dinner with your partner.

Enjoy meeting your child-less friends on a whim.

Enjoy plane trips.

Enjoy driving in the car with your music up. LOUD.

Just enjoy the time you have with that little child right there in your tummy because in a few short months that little peanut will be too big to cradle in your arms and will try to wiggle out and go exploring. You’ll get some time away from your baby and you’ll instinctually clutch your tummy but baby wont be there.They grow so fast and time just wont stop ticking.

As much as you should try and enjoy the time before the baby comes, enjoy the time after the baby comes into your life. Embrace those sticky floors and those cold cups of coffee. It wont be long before you’ll have your old life back and your kids will be grown up and doing their own thing. You’ll only know what they are up to because you’ll follow them on Twitter because you’ll be a cool mom that had Twitter since it’s inception.

No matter what stage of mother hood you are at, enjoy it. It’s all wonderful and beautiful. Now go shovel more soft cheeses into your mouth and enjoy that late night drive thru Wendys!

PS: You’re a goddess ;)

Love from,

a mom with crumbs on her feet…

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Make More Breast Milk with Snappy Snacks http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/increase-milk-supply/ http://www.mommyzoid.ca/baby/increase-milk-supply/#comments Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:00:56 +0000 http://www.mommyzoid.ca/?p=4395 [This post contains gifted items. Read full disclaimer here] Did you know eating certain things will increase milk production? These…

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[This post contains gifted items. Read full disclaimer here]

Improve Milk Supply with lactation cookies and brownies

Did you know eating certain things will increase milk production? These things are called “galactagogues”. Don’t ask me to pronounce that in real life. Foods like oatmeal, sesame seeds, fenugreek, flax and ginger will all help milk supply.

Did you know eating certain things will increase a mother’s milk production!? Find out which…
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Snappy Snacks is a Canadian company that sells dry mixes which contain all those awesome ingredients all in one convenient package. This means a new mom can grab a package of Snappy Snacks, dump the dry mix in a bowl, add a half cup of butter and an egg and make either cookies or brownies. It’s really so simple. If someone asked me to bake from a recipe in the weeks following the birth of my son I would have laughed in their face! You can read my review of Snappy Snacks here.

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My dear sister-in-law welcomed a tiny little peanut into the world just before Christmas. She was determined to breast feed her little girl from the moment she got pregnant. She read books and asked me for advice but nothing could really prepare her for breast feeding like the experience its self. Luckily Robyn had the whole line of Snappy Snacks on hand for that first growth spurt. Between a week and 10 days old, babies usually go through a growth spurt that is very noticeable when you are breast feeding. The baby will be super hungry sending your body into milk making mode. Not only will you feel super tired but you’ll be very hungry, too. Making milk burns a lot of calories. BONUS!

So Robyn got in the kitchen and made up all her cookies and brownies and filled her freezer up. I know she had a rough go in the beginning but Snappy Snacks was there to keep her fuelled with things that help to naturally encourage milk production. She’s now successfully feeding her little one exclusively with breast milk. It wasn’t easy but she got through the hardest part with the help of Snappy Snacks and she couldn’t be happier. Sometimes all we need is a little helping hand.

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My go to gift for baby showers is now Snappy Snacks dry mixes. They will last in the pantry for up to a year so whenever a mom runs into supply issues she can bust out her mix. You can find Snappy Snacks in these stores across Canada! They make Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, Raisin Spice Mix, and Double Chocolate Brownie Mix.

How was your breast feeding experience? What would you do different if you had a do over?

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these amazing blogs!

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